Saturday, October 16, 2010

New Job

Well I got a job here in Williston. Sheldon can't believe that I chose this one, but after I made my pro and cons list it really is the one that fit. I am working at Village Laundry. Yes doing other peoples laundry and the books. Its full time and I'm excited. In this booming town all of the hotels are full and where do people go to do their laundry? At village so it is always busy and its not like the laundry mats in Utah, its really nice. Anyway I could have worked at a credit union or the jewelry store (those are the other ones I got offered), but we took this one. I only work 8 hours I get paid lunch and break and raises when my boss fills like it. Who is very nice and by far the nicest one of the 3 jobs. Anyway we also found out that for Sheldon's job there were over 200 applications and he was ranked 2nd over all. That made him feel pretty good. He likes his job, he goes to Kellyville OK for 3 weeks tomorrow :( so its just Nicole and I alone in a new town and we really don't know anyone, but we are troopers so it will all be okay. I almost have our house unpacked. We got the new furniture we ordered yesterday, well it was a bedroom set for Nicole which included a bed, 2 dressers, and a mirror. I will post pic when I find a bed spread that I like for her. Her room is now put together and not just in totes. Well that is all for now :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Our New Life

Well since it has been almost a year since I last updated I felt like now was a good time. Alot has happened since then, some good, some not so good. We are now living in Williston North Dakota. We decided that there was more to life than farming and Gunnison Valley (not that anything is wrong or bad with them, we just wanted/needed something different) So we started looking, Sheldon wanted to move to Alaska. He went back to school in welding and diesel to get more skills. While I was in school I joined the business club DEX and entered in a contest. I had to have a partner so my adviser (Doug Dyreng) and I gave Sheldon a crash course in Financial Analysis in two weeks. We ended up taking 2nd in the state. We then got an all expense paid trip to Louisville KY. We didn't place, but had a lot of fun. After the semester we started looking for a new job for Sheldon, we stumbled upon a company called Schlumberger (not said how it looks the ger on the end says J why its a French based company.) They are a oil servicing company. After he went through 5 interviews and even me having to go through one he got the job. Which relocated us to Williston ND. He came on the 13th of August and Nicole and I moved up 1st of October. He really likes his job and for the most part he likes who he works with. He does a thing called Fracking. After they have blast down in the ground however many miles his crew along with wireline (explosives) go and frack the well, which is just like how is sounds they fracture under ground in lots of different places and fill it with an acid, gel, sand, water other stuff mixture. (that is the best way I can describe it.) And after they are done a month or so later is when they start pumping oil, water, natural gas out of the ground. The town is about the size of Richfield, maybe slightly bigger. Supposedly it is the safest city in North Dakota, which of all the states has the lowest crime rating, so does that make it the safest place to live?? We live in the upstairs of a house while 2 guys live in the basement.
Nicole is growing up so fast. She is already two although if you ask her she is three and totally acts like it. She is so friendly and everywhere we go she tells everyone Hi and Bye. She loves horses and would ride all day if she could. My parents neighbors have been so nice in letting her ride theirs. If we put her boots on she has to get her hat and thinks that she is going riding. She also loves water and has no fear of it. I put her in mommy and me swimming lessons, which she loved. She also likes to ride on the tractor, which she takes the best naps on it too. Her favorite thing is to watch a moosie (movie) Dora or Mickey Mouse, but any thing that sings and dances works. Sheldon doesn't like Dora cuz Nicole starts talking Spanish. She dances or hops everywhere she goes. Her new thing is to think she has to stop and think. We are looking at getting her 2 kitties to help with the move maybe it won't be as dramatic for her. The neighbors have 2 grand daughters her age that play 3 times a week which helps too. We bought her a big girl bed, but she won't sleep in it by herself. Hopefully one day she will thats all I hope for. Well thats all for this time hoepfully it won't be 10 1/2 months before I write again. Love you all

Sheldon & I

Sheldon & I

