Sunday, November 29, 2009


This is just a video of Nicole dancing which she does all the time even if there is no music one is of her shakin' it and the other is what we like to call the worm. Enjoy

Family Vacation

Well Sheldon and I took our first vacation with Nicole. We went to San Diego and it was so much fun. I had this bright idea that we would drive in the night so Nicole would sleep, well we found out she HATES driving in the dark. Not sure what it was but that was not a very fun drive. She cried most of the way until it got light. And between beaver and Cedar City she had cried so much that she threw up. Luckily I was holding her so it didn't get on the car seat or anything else. We ended up pulling over somewhere between Mesquite and Vegas at one of those truck pull out spots and slept. Well we finally made it to San Diego at about 3. We got to our condo unloaded and just walked around down town for a while. The next day we went to Sea World and had a blast. Nicole and Sheldon feed the seals and while he was feeding one, a stupid bird came and took the fish, once right out of his hand and again out of the air when Sheldon and threw it to the seal. On Sunday we went to a Naval museum that was really cool and then on a Harbor cruise. On Monday we just hung out at the beach even though the water was freezing. Nicole liked playing in the sand and I have decided she must be irritable to it. When we went to Lake Powell she got a horrible diaper rash and every time we would go to the lake and she would just play in the sand again horrible rash and now she has a horrible rash. That girl and all of her allergies I hope she makes it some what happy through life. Anyway our last day was tuesday and we went to La Jolla and just watched the seals for a while and walked around. Then we went to Vegas and stayed the night. No more driving all the way that is just crazy especially with a 1 year old. On our way home Wednesday there was a horrible accident about 30 miles north of Vegas and we got stopped on the freeway for about 3 hours. That made the drive home miserable we decided next time we are just going to fly.

Sheldon & I

Sheldon & I

