Saturday, July 11, 2009

Family Reunion, the 4th, & Lake Powell

Well it has been quite a week. It started out on the 2nd with our first ever Roland and Pauline Beck Family Reunion (my dad's parents). It was held at my parents and we had a lot of fun. We had a four wheeler course that the younger kids loved. I think the mud hole was the favorite. We had horse rides and all sorts of other activities. It happened to fall on my birthday. Which is the 3rd. It was a day of running around getting things ready for the town's 150 yr celebration and the 4th. It ended with one of my favorite things Fireworks. On the 4th Sheldon was in the Beck Family Farms float. Our theme was "Knockout hunger and boredom." He had to dress in his MMA clothes and fight Duval (nephew) and tate (a neighbor) it was kind of funny. Nicole and I watched the parade. It has been almost 15 years since i have watched the parade and not been in it.
On Monday the 6th we left for Lake Powell with my brothers and sisters (except randy, kirsti, & tommy), neices and nephews, and my aunt and uncle, cousins, and some friends. we had a good time, even though we had some injuries. On tuesday i rode the tube behind loni i was getting mad because everytime there was a good wave he would slow down, so i told him to keep going to we could hit it, well i my finger rubbed on the side of the tube and it rubbed off some skin, but it is all good. On thursday after i felt recovered from tuesday i was helping ambri knee board and we had to find a little island that had some rocks coming out that were still in the water, after helping her my dad came back to pick me up i fell on the rocks and cut my leg. Later i went riding the tube with sheldon, xavior and danny. we went for a while and one of the tubes was way flat and we hit a wave and i got caught in a strap but half of me went off. I bruised my hand where it got stuck but in the mean while i pulled my hamstring. It hurt almost worse than labor. Now 2 days later it still hurts. But that is the price you pay for having fun. We ended up coming home early because Nicole had a allergic reaction to something and had blister like bumps all over. they didn't seem to bother her much but we just felt so bad for her. She also cut 3 teeth while we were there, 2 on the top and 1 on the bottom. She is no longer a snagel tooth. we also came home so sheldon could go to a motox race at RMR. He didn't do very well this time. After getting the hole shot (you make it around the first turn first) just before the last tap he over shot the jump before the finish line. He ended up coming in 3rd that round. The next round he crashed and went flying off his bike and it rolled. He is okay just some bumps and bruises. His bike is good too. He ended up taking 3rd over all. His next race is on the 24th.
Nicole is growing up and has such a personality. She is so fun to just watch as she entertains herself. She has a red head temper though. She is a daddy's girl. If she doesn't get to see him before she goes to bed she doesn't sleep good at night. But if she can she almost sleeps through the night. They really have a lot of fun together. I can't believe she is almost one. The time has just flew by. well that is all for now.

Sheldon & I

Sheldon & I

